: XII Time :
Subject – English
Marks - 80
(Reading for Comprehension, Language study,
Vocabulary, Summary and Mind- mapping)
A. Read the given extract and complete the activities given below: (12)
What is big data?
There is a revolution in the life style of people which has been
affected by big Data. Our food habits, our health care, our travelling, our
scientific pursuits, you name it and everything has changed 360 degrees. The
massive data available with us can really work wonders. Friends, do you know
what happens when we like a post on facebook or share a post on whatsapp,
visit any website, make online purchases, or watch videos? Yes, whatever
activity we do online is recorded, monitored and analysed. So a huge amount
of data is collected. Let me give an idea of how huge the data is collected.
Let me give you idea of how huge the data might be. Big data can be petabytes
or exabytes of data consisting of billion to trillion of records of millions
of people all from different sources, for example web, sales, customer contact
centre, social media, mobile data and so on. The data available to industries
and companies is enormously increasing in volume, variation, velocity,
veracity and value. Such a Big data is easy to obtain but so massive that it
challenges the current computing technologies and hence Big data analytics is
used to give insights that were previously incomprehensible. Big data
analytics is the complex process of examining large and varied data sets or
big data to uncover information- such as hidden patterns, unknown
correlations, market trends and customer preferences. With such a huge data
available with the industries they can have innumerable advantages hence all
the industries are trying to reap the maximum benefit from it. Many
industries have advanced by miles from their competitors. It’s not the amount
of data that is important but what the organizations do with the data is what
A1. Complete
the following information the Big Data uncovers such as: 02
Data uncovers such as:

Different sources of data collection. 02
1……………………………………………………………… 2…………………………………………………………..
3……………………………………………………………… 4…………………………………………………………..
Analysis: 02
Discuss and write
how Big Data is increasing in volume, variation, velocity, veracity and
Personal Response 02
Describe at least
two precautions that you will take while using social media.
Language Study 02
massive data available with us can really work wonders.
(Given below are
four options. Find out and write down the correct complex sentence of the
given sentence)
massive data, which is available with us can really work wonders.
is the massive data available with us, which can really work wonders.
the massive data is available with us, it can really work wonders.
massive data is available with us and it can rally work wonders.
is a revolution in the life style of people.
(Transform into Present Perfect Tense)
Vocabulary 02
Find out and write
down at least four examples of compound words from the exract.
Non-Textual Grammar:
Do as directed. 03
i. I saw …………man.
……… is from Kolhapur.
(Use appropriate articles and rewrite
the sentence)
ii. The story traces
the downfall…………. a man who is overcome ……………greed.
(Fill in the blanks with suitable
prepositions and rewrite the sentence)
iii. The king asked
them, “What do you call that game?” (Rewrite
it to Indirect Speech)
Spot the error and rewrite the sentence. 01
Trees gives fruits
and flowers.
Q. 2.
(A) Read the given extract and complete the activity given below. (12)
It is true that progress in knowledge has
led to the development of science and technology, which has, in turn,
profoundly alerted our environment. For example, fertilizers and insecticides
have increased agricultural output, which is required to feed the swelling
population of the world. However, both give rise to population. Each one in
the modern world has accumulated in our bodies a few milligrams of D.D.T., which is organo-chlorine, a type of insecticide. The D.D.T. level in
fish is rising and already some fish eating birds are becoming sterile.
Fertilizers used in farmlands are washed away by rain in to rivers, lakes and
reservoirs. The heavy intake content in fertilizers leads to wild growth of
vegetation in them, which in turn de-oxygenizes the waters and, as a result,
all the fish is lost.
Massive industrialization too
has led to serious pollution of the environment. Millions of tons of smoke of
smoke, sulphur gas, ash and unknown quantities of toxic by-products are sent
up every day all over the world and we simply do not know if our chemical
environment is slowly poisoning us all. What is even worse, the increase in
the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere from burning oil or coal may, in
time, prevent the escape of the sun’s heat from the earth. Leading to a rise
in the earth’s temperature, the melting of ice caps, and arise in the level
of the ocean.
The sea has become a cheap
dumping ground for all kinds of waste products. Although the sea has great
capacity to break down all kinds of waste, this capacity is not unlimited,
especially in shallow seas. Industrial effluent gets washed out to sea, for
industries tend to concentrate in coastal areas in order to be able to
dispose of unwanted waste cheaply. Atomic wastes as well as poison gases are
dumped in the sea by industrial military authorities.
It would be foolish to shut
our eyes to the dangers of the pollution that human beings cause. It is true
that more and more people have become aware the dangers of pollution. Rivers
are being gradually restored to health; international organizations are
trying to keep the seas clean. Industries are being asked to pay large sums
to meet the cost of deposing of effluents. Campaigns are being organized
against cutting down trees. Public opinion is gradually being aroused to
concern, and if all of us become concerned about our environment, we shall be
able to keep the earth habitable for future generations.
A1 State whether the
following statements are true or false and rewrite them. 02
industrialization has led to serious pollution of the environment.
in knowledge has led to the development of science and technology but has
kept environment intact.
a day’s more and more people have become unaware of the dangers of pollution.
has great capacity to break down all kinds of waste but this capacity is
A2 Find Out
Find out from the
extract how people have become aware of the dangers of pollution and the
measures that they are taking to control it. 02
A3 Explain the
relation between the progress in knowledge, development of science and deeply
changed environment. 02
A4 Personal Response
Describe at least
four steps that you would take to protect environment and pollution of your
area. 02
A5 Language Study 02
Although the sea has great capacity to break down all kinds of waste, this
capacity is not unlimited.
(Use ‘but’
and rewrite the sentence)
Fertilizers and insecticides have increased agricultural output.
(Rewrite the
sentence beginning with ‘Agricultural output………..)
A6 Vocabulary 02
out the words from the extract which mean-
substance used to kill insects
movement or drive
fit to live on
(B) Summary:
a summary of the above extract with the help of the given clues and suggest a suitable
title. 03
environmental pollution…………..pollution result of…………contamination of the
things………….survival problem…………need to control…………including humans all in
danger…………..population growth.
(C) Mind Mapping:
Develop a Mind
Mapping frame/design using your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate/develop
on ‘Best Sources of Entertainment’.
Section –II (Poetry and Appreciation)
Q. 3. A. Read the given
extract and complete the activities given below: (10)
He felt the cheering power of spring,
It made him whistle, it made him sing;
His heart was mirthful to excess,
But the Rover’s mirth was wickedness.
His eye was on the Inchcape float;
Quoth he, “My men, put out the
And row me to the Inchcape Rock,
And I’ll plague the Abbot of
The boat is lowered , the boatmen row,
And to the Inchcape Rock they go;
Sir Ralph bent over from the boat,
And he cut the bell from the Inchcape
Down sunk the bell with a gurgling
The bubbles rose and burst around;
Quoth Sir Ralph, ‘The next who comes to
the Rock
Won’t bless the Abbot of Aberothok’.
Pick out two lines
from the extract that show how Sir Ralph enjoyed the power of spring.
Give Reason 02
Sir Ralph asked his men to take his
boat to Inchcape Rock because---------
A3. Personal response. 02
your reactions about Ralph’s behavior.
Poetic device 02
Write rhyme scheme
and rhyming pairs of words of every stanza.
Poetic creativity 02
your two poetic lines to continue the theme of the stanza.
He felt the cheering power of
the spring,
It made him whistle, it made
him sing;
Q.3.B. Poetic
Read the given extract and write the
appreciation of the given poem.
My father travels on the late evening
Standing among silent commuters in the
yellow light
Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes
His shirt and pants are soggy and his black
Stained with mud and bag stuffed with books
Is falling apart.His eyes dimmed by age
Fade homeward through the humid monsoon
I can see him getting out of train
Like a word dropped from a long sentence.
hurries the length of the grey platform,
Crosses the railway line, enters the
His chappals are sticky with mud, but he
hurries onward.
SECTION –III (Writing skills)
4. Complete the activities as per the instructions given below: (16)
Attempt ‘Any One’ from the given activities: (04)
Drafting a virtual message:
Using information given below,
draft a virtual message which Amrita left for her brother, Sourajit.
Is this 28473892?
Amrita: Yes. May I know who is speaking?
Shekhar: I am Shekhar. I want to speak to Sourajit.
I am his friend from IHM, Goa.
Amrita: I am his sister. Sourajit is not at homeat
the moment. Can you ring up a little later?
Shekhar: I shall be a little busy, Actually,I have
got a placement at the Hotel Mumbai, and will have to join with immediate
effect. Sourajit now I am trying to get all the formalities completed. This
is the news that I wanted to give Sourjit. Will you do that for me? Also tell
him that will let him know my new cell phone number as soon as I get one.
Amrita: I’ll do that. Bye and all the best..
had to leave for the office. So she wrote a note for Sourajit. Draft her
message in not more than 50 words.
2) Statement of
must have decided your aim in life. Which institute/university would you like
to join for your diploma/graduation? Write a statement of purpose as a part
of your application to the institute/university.
3) Group Discussion:
You and your friends are
participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given a topic,
‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays’. Write a suitable
dialogue for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.
4 B) Complete the activities as per the instructions given below. 04
E-mail writing
Write an
e-mail to the S.T. Depot Manager using following points:
Your college is 15 km away from
your native place. You go to college by S.T. bus. The bus timings are not
convenient for you and other students. Write an e-mail to the S.T. Depot
Manager of your area.
Write an e-mail to
Use proper template to write
Report Writing:
Write a report of the
celebration of ‘ Independence Day’ in your college.
Points: the time students assembled in college, arrival of chief
guest and others, flag-hoisting, speeches, detailed programme, vote of
3. Framing interview questions: 04
you are a representative of your college. You want to publish an interview of
a social worker in the college magazine. Prepare questions to take his/her
interview. (Eight to ten questions)
questions about his/her career, memorable incident and work.
Q. 4 C) Complete the activities
as per the instructions given below. 04
1. Speech writing:
Prepare a speech to
be made before your class appealing the students to plant trees.
Use the following
Make an appeal to
plant trees, mention its need and importance use rhetorical questions, tell
them process and locations for planting the trees.
2. Compering:
Imagine you are a compere of a ‘Prize Distribution
Ceremony’ of your college. Write a script of the same. (Write in 100 words)
Use the following points:
1. Introduction
2. Lighting the lamp 3. Welcome
song 4. Introductory speech
5. Felicitation
6. Main event 7. Speech of
guest 8. Vote of thanks
3. Expansion of ideas:
the idea inherent in the following statement. (Write in 100 words)
should eat to live, not live to eat’-Franklin
Use the following points:
Explain the statement, give examples, give message
in the statement.
Q. 4 D) Complete the activities
as per the instructions given below. 04
1. Blog writing:
Write a blog using proper format on the
topic-‘Yoga-A practice for better living’ with the help of the following
points in about 100/150 words:
(Write in 100 words)
Importance of Yoga in life, Keeps body fit and healthy, Refreshes soul and
mind, Stress buster, Meditation helps in focusing etc. (Write answer in blog
2. Review writing:
Write a film review that you have seen recently using
the following points:
Story 2. Characterization 3. Music and songs 4. Theme
5. Action 6. Special
features 7. Weak points 8. Your opinion about the film. (Write in
100 words)
3. Appeal:
Sharda Social Club, Kolhapur arranged a ‘Save
water-Save earth’ drive for five days. Prepare an appeal to the people to
join it.
Give programmes, Time and date, Contact information, Use picture/decorative
Q. 5 A) Complete the activities given below as per
the instructions:
1. Match the column ‘A' with ‘B’ 02
a. The
struggle between the opposite forces in the story
b. The
background in which the story takes place
c. The
central idea in the novel which can be expressed in a nutshell.
d. The
story or the course of events that make up the theme.
2. Complete the web by choosing words from the
following- 02
(Drama, phrase, William James, Kiran Nagarkar,
Rajmohan’s wife, Principles of Psychology, flow of thoughts, central idea)
of consciousness novel
of consciousness is a ……………………………
of consciousness means……………………….
phrase is coined by……………………………………
used this term in his………………………………………
Q. 5 B Answer in about 50 words to the questions
given below:
1. Compare the following characters in the novel ‘To
Sir with Love’ 02
Ricky Braithwaite and Head of the school
2. Narrate the event of Half-yearly report of
Students’ Council’ which took place on November 15th in the novel
‘To Sir, with Love’ 02
Q. 5 C Answer in about 50 words to the questions
given below:
1. Complete the table highlighting various traits of
the following characters in the extract from ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’. 02
Name of the characters
Detective Fix
2. Describe the importance of the following place in
the development of the plot and behaviour of the characters. 02
Q. 5 D Answer in about 50 words to the questions
given below:
1. Explain Sherlock Holmes is the leading character
in the novel ‘The Sign of Four’. 02
2. In the following dialogue, find out who the
speaker is, his/her tone, style, significance
etc. 02
statement is most interesting. Has anything else occurred to you?’